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Online Stakeholder Engagement Session on
"Child Abuse"

14 April 2021

To better understand the current picture of children protection in Hong Kong, the Commission on Children (the Commission) organised an online engagement session to collect views from stakeholders on the theme of "Child Abuse".

The engagement session consisted of two parts, namely "Domestic violence" and "Child Sexual Abuse". Over 30 participants joined the engagement session. They shared their views on various areas of concern, including the current child protection policy in Hong Kong and mechanism for prevention, early identification and intervention of child abuse cases, multi-disciplinary collaboration to provide support to child abuse victims, and the legal aspects on child protection. The two parts of the engagement session were hosted by members of the Commission while representatives from the Education Bureau, the Social Welfare Department and the Hong Kong Police Force also attended.

Stakeholders' Views Gathered

Follow-up on Engagement Session